Senior Garden

Domov Chrudim


Domov Chrudim

Domov Chrudim

Naše zařízení v Chrudimi je nově upravené a rekonstruované. Probíhající modernizace do standardu konceptu SeniorGarden zajišťuje vysokou úroveň péče, a poskytuje kvalitní zázemí pro klienty i personál.

Pardubický kraj
138 beds
24/7 Health Care

Your Health and Happiness - Our Priority

24/7 Care Available

24/7 Care Available

Our clients receive 24-hour care from qualified nurses. A general practitioner and a psychiatrist regularly visit the senior home. Our doctors also provide telephone consultations.

Affordable Price

Affordable Price

We offer services at prices you can afford. For more information, please see our price list.

Safety and Privacy

Safety and Privacy

Assistance with daily activities is provided by our dedicated team of social service workers. They approach clients with respect and dignity, focusing on individual needs and a partnership approach. This may include assistance with personal hygiene, dressing, eating, or moving from the bed. To ensure clients feel secure, they are equipped with a signal wristband, allowing them to call for help at any time.

Excellent Catering

Excellent Catering

Our catering adheres to certified nutritional care standards. Balanced meals are prepared by our kitchen team directly at the Senior Home, tailored to the individual needs of our clients. Ingredients are always fresh and of high quality. The meal plan includes breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack, dinner, and a second dinner.

Simple and Fast

Simple and Fast

Time is often critical when seeking care for your loved ones. Our team will assist you as soon as possible and make the entire process as easy as possible.

Community Living

Community Living

We offer single and double rooms with private bathrooms to our clients. All rooms are fully equipped. Clients may, upon agreement, furnish their rooms with small furniture items (chairs, shelves, paintings, lamps) as space and personal needs allow. A pleasant and spacious room environment ensures comfort and privacy for the client.

What Does SeniorGarden Offer?



In our facility, we dedicate 12 hours every day to clients and their families at the reception to ensure maximum comfort.

Daily Activities

Daily Activities

We care not only about physical health but also mental well-being. A shared garden and regular activities contribute to a better stay at our facilities.

Access to Technology

Access to Technology

We use the latest technologies, ensuring smooth and secure operation of senior homes.

Regular Healthcare

Regular Healthcare

Providing top-level healthcare is a standard for us.

About Life in the Facility

Animal Visits 2024

Animal Visits 2024


Hello, on behalf of our family, I would like to express our immense gratitude for saving the life of our mother, Marie Č. Nurse Bára Š. is truly a person in the right place who knows what she's doing! Your staff is a well-coordinated team, and you can be proud of them! I would like to thank everyone and express my great appreciation.

Best regards, Hanka P.🌹


We're happy to answer all your questions

Didn't find an answer? No problem, just write or call us.

Can I come for an independent visit?

We're happy to introduce our Senior Home, show you around, and provide more information about our care services. To schedule a personal meeting, use the contact form or reach out to our social worker to arrange a visit date.

What conditions do I need to meet to be listed as an applicant?

To be listed as an applicant, you need to submit an Admission Application and a Current Medical Report. Forms are available on the website, or you can obtain them from the social worker at the Senior Home. After submitting the documents, a social worker will contact you by phone to guide you through the next steps.

How do I choose the right facility?

It's best to visit, check the environment, talk to the staff, and look at the rooms. Most people get a sense of whether it meets their expectations.

Just a few basic tips:
  • Staff - make sure you know how many staff members care for clients, including caregivers and medical staff.
  • Education - ask about the education and composition of the staff.
  • Keys - if rooms or common areas are locked, it may be a red flag.
  • Activities - check the daily schedules and activity programs for clients.
  • Smell - if you notice a smell of urine, it's a bad sign.

I feel guilty for not being able to care for my parent.

This is natural. The decision is never easy. However, consider whether the person you're worried about may eventually need more care than you can provide on your own, both physically and mentally. You're caring alone, whereas here, there's a whole team.

Can married couples be accommodated together?

Yes, they can, if the couple wishes to do so. The type of service provided does not matter.

I don't have a care allowance; is this a problem?

No, a social worker can assist you in obtaining the care allowance and help with other administrative matters, such as pension transfer, residency arrangements, or canceling SIPO.

What is the visiting policy at the Senior Home?

There are no time restrictions on visits. You can visit your family member/friend anytime with mutual agreement. To maintain the privacy of roommates, please arrange visits outside the hours of 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM in the facility's common areas.

Can I take my parents out for a trip or a few days at home?

We support maintaining family and friend relationships. If the client wishes, there's no reason they shouldn't enjoy time with family and friends. Therefore, we organize events for families and friends, such as birthday celebrations, music performances, garden gatherings, etc.

How long does it take to adapt to the new environment?

This varies for each client, but generally, you can assess the situation after 14 days. In most cases, the client's condition improves due to the sense of security and calm from regular activities and new stimuli they are encouraged to respond to.

Is healthcare provided for clients?

Each client has the option to register with a general practitioner who visits the Senior Home once a week. A psychiatrist also visits every two weeks. Any other specialist visits are arranged with staff accompaniment via a medical transport service.

Our partners

Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí

Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí

Město Chrudim

Město Chrudim

Pardubický Kraj

Pardubický Kraj

Get in Touch

We’ll go through accommodation options together

We will contact you as soon as possible.